Here are a few things I've made lately.
Personalized baton case...I have to say that I was really proud of this. I sold this to a co-worker whose daughter takes baton lessons. I laughed because I told her I think I was more proud of this than I was of Troy's bedding that I made. I just love the fabric, love the monogram and I love what it is.
Some friends from work and I got together one night to make crafts. We made sugar scrub, towels, and picture frames. I didn't make any frames that night, but I have made several since then, but I didn't take any pictures of them.
Here is the link where my friend got the idea for the towels:
Little Birdie Secrets
I actually transfered mine onto cloth napkins and then added the ruffle to it.
Here is where I got the idea for sugar scrub.
Peppermint Sugar Scrub
Another friend at work showed me how to make what did I do? I ran to Hobby Lobby and got some beads and the stuff to make earrings and made over 20 pair of these cuties. I gave them as gifts to my auxiliary girls and a few other people.
Brian requested that I make the ladies at his work something. I had to, after all, he is the one that let's me have all my toys. I emrboidered them a towel and gave them a jar of the sugar scrub. I do love how these towels turned out.
We had a craft exchange party at work..the object was that you had to bring a gift that you made. I made this magnetic bulletin board. It was really hard to part with because I thought it was cute.
The kids are getting growth charts for Christmas. I have looked for one for a while at craft shows but couldn't find one I was willing to spend mega bucks on. I browsed Etsy and got some ideas from there and this is what we came up with. Brian helped me by painting the wood.
Unfortunately for Brian, my craft room as exploded into the dining room and I have all of machines set up in there now.
My new addiction is Pinterest and I've gotten several ideas from there.