This was a gift for my secret pal. It's a candle, an ornament, soap, nameplate, and hand towel. It was hard for me not to keep it since it had B intial.
This isn't really a "craft" but I'm proud of it none the less. I only designed the graphic, I did not print it or apply it. I was really nervous about designing because it is so permanent.
I created these invitations using my cricut. The theme of the shower is a diaper and wipes shower, so I thought a diaper invitation would be perfect. They were fun to make.
I found this bag at Old Time Pottery and had to have it for Troy. It will be perfect to take to Troy games and once Troy is too old for a diaper bag, it will still be useful for Troy games.
I also made a diaper and wipes case out of a placemat. The red towel will be used as a changing pad in public places.
I etched these plates for my mother for Mother's Day. She is always having her sistas over for dinner, desserts, snacks, etc, so I figured she could use these to entertain.
I got this idea off a craft board. It's hangers to separate the sizes in Troy's closet. I got all the supplies from Hobby Lobby. Brian painted and cut the slot in the hanger and I made the numbers and words using my cricut. We bought the animals already painted.
I made the bedding for our nursery. I didn't do the monogramming because my machine doesn't monogram that big, but I did make the bumper pads, the bed skirt, and the window treatment.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE my craft room? I made these Thursday night to give as a thank you gift. I love my embroidery machine and my cricut. It's a hand towel, a candle holder, and soap.
This was a baby shower gift I made for a friend at work. There is hand sanitizer (used my cricut to cut out the vinyl), a diaper/wipes case (made out of a placemat), a bib (made out of old blue jeans), a burp cloth and a wipes case.
I made this gift for my mom to give one of her friends. It's a candy dish with her initial, hand sanitizer with her initial, a post-it note holder with intial. There is also a cookie bouquet and I etched her intial onto the "vase" for the cookies.
One of my best friends has a little boy, so this summer, she and I decided to learn how to make reversible jon-jons. I had already made several jumpers for little girls, but had never made boy outfits.
We headed to Hobby Lobby to pick out material. Using my embroidery machine, I appliqued the football, the crab, the spider and the star. My friend made a crab applique, her little's boy initial applique, a worm applique and his monogrammed initials. I did not get a picture of his outfits, but here is a picture of my outfits. I left the blue and white jon jon blank to add initials later.